Keeping a joyful attitude when holiday times get stressful

Staying joyful is important when things get stressful or difficult. Busy holidays can increase stress. But, life can be filled with positive energy and happiness. Remain in joy regardless of what the holiday circumstances bring you. Each holiday is a unique opportunity to do something that brings you more joy.

As holidays get closer, find ways to stay calm. Let peace radiate out to others. Let them see the peace you have, and they will feel better about the holidays too. You can help a lot of people just by staying happy and positive during stressful holiday times. Know the holidays are what you make of them. Choose to make them joyful and fun. 

Turn the stress of your life into a positive energy by focusing on solutions. Holidays are wonderful times to enjoy family and friends. Enjoy finding the beauty of the holidays. See that beauty and focus on it to help keep your stress levels low. Low stress means high happiness. 

Stay in joy this holiday season by walking in peace and love. Make the holidays great for everyone around me. Value your time and your happiness. Hold onto that happiness through any holiday situation. 

Today, choose to overlook holiday stress and stay happy and joyful.

This week’s Creative Exercise: 

This is a journal writing exercise. Spend 15 minutes free writing for each of these prompts.

Self-Reflection Questions: 

  1.   What can I do to lower my stress levels during the holidays?
  2.   Are there better ways for me to remain joyful when things get busy?
  3.   How can I keep my joy, even when there is stress all around me?

Have an Amazingly Creative Day,



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