What Are Some Of Your Key Issues, First Follow Up

Last week we started with our ‘You can Heal your Life’ checklist and finding 3-5 key themes that are prevalent in our lives, basically what our issues or blocks are.  So now, what do we do about them?

We have to actually look at them. So the first step in healing is being aware, but after awareness comes the work. Last week I mentioned starting with journaling. How many of you did this journaling work? 

“I highly suggest Journaling as the next step in your healing journey. Ask yourself how this makes you feel, really sit with it and write at least 3 pages  (or 10 min) on how you feel about each underlying theme that has come up in your list. Maybe it’s ‘fear’, write ‘Fear’ at the top of the page and fill three pages (or spend 10 min) with your thoughts on Fear in general, and also in yourself. Just free flow thought. “

I also recommended reading books on those specific topics of the themes that came up for you, I would love to know which books you found and what you thought of them.

Maybe you didn’t do either of these things and that’s ok, this is your resistance to change rearing up. It is actually a safety mechanism in our brain that makes us stop in our tracks and rethink any changes because you have been grooving along safely and maybe this change isn’t safe.  But, what it doesn’t take into consideration is happiness and moving forward and growing, and you cannot be truly happy or grow in yourself without doing the work.

This week and over the next couple of weeks we will discuss some of the key themes and what they can mean and what are some ways of working through these blocks for you.

This week we will start with Affirmations and Meditation to help us work through some of our key issues.

Some of the things we can do immediately is to work on changing our mindset. Our subconscious mind accepts whatever we choose to believe. What we choose to think about 
ourselves and about life becomes true for us. And we have unlimited choices about what we can think. This is where affirmations come into play. We remind ourselves every day that things are as we would like them to be. 

Our brains are hardwired to the negative, it comes from the need for survival. But in this day and age, we don't necessarily need to be wary of everything. But, the good news is that we can change the way our brains think. Repeating positive, present tense messages to ourselves makes our brains think it is actually happening and therefore the universe conspires to make it so. 

Below you will find a list of affirmations you can use for each issue. Choose 1 or more, or you can make your own. And repeat it to yourself throughout the day.

Meditation is about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.

Learning to meditate is like learning any other skill. Think of it like exercising a muscle that you’ve never really worked out before. It takes consistent practice to get comfortable.

You will find some guided meditations below.

Fear is the unpleasant feeling you have when you think that you are in danger. If you say that there is a fear that something unpleasant or undesirable will happen, you mean that you think it is possible or likely.

Often we stay in a stasis of fear of everything, or certain things over a long period of time, and that is when our bodies start to break down or give signals to us. Illness or pain are those signals. 

So, how do we change that? 
Looking deep into what you are afraid of is important. Like mentioned before journaling is one of the best ways to start to recognize and then be able to change what we are afraid of. Often it is things we make up in our heads or beliefs we have had that are not even that scary once you try them.

Affirmations: I trust the process of life. I am safe. It is safe to be alive. Life is safe & joyous.

Meditation: Guided Meditation For Releasing Fear

Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems. But excessive anger can cause problems.

Often anger has underlying issues such as fear, grief, being tried, stress or other things that may cause us to act out of anger, usually as a defense. However being in a state of anger is very hard on your body so staying angry for long periods of time will cause illness and pain as illustrated in the list of symptoms we went through last week.
What are some ways we can change our anger?
Exercise is a great way to use up some of our anger or using the anger as motivation to make changes in the things that are making us angry.

Shifting our focus is one of the most important ways. Count to ten, walk away, breathe. Step out of the situation and figure out why you were so angry, sometimes it is justified, but did you react accordingly? Was it something else that you were really angry or fearful about and you reacted to someone or something that got in the way. If you were in the wrong apologize and make amends as needed. The more you pay attention to your anger the less it will happen over time.

Affirmations: I trust the process of life. Only right & good action is taking place in my life. I choose to voice only love. I create my own life.

Meditation: Guided Mindfulness Meditation on Dealing with Anger

Being possessive means you're being a little selfish about people or things in your life: you're clinging to them tightly. Being possessive isn’t a good thing, possessive people are usually insecure and controlling. For example, you're being possessive of your dog if you won't let anyone else play with it. A friend might be possessive of you if they get jealous when you hang out with other people.

Both jealousy and possessiveness spring from the same source: an overwhelming need for love and approval. Which means an insecurity to overcome.

What ways can we shift or change our possessiveness?
Learn to accept and love yourself, you can do this by building up your confidence on a daily basis. Step out of your comfort zone a little bit each day, maybe it is trying a store or restaurant you have never been to, or trying a new hobby or skill. Celebrate each victory of stepping out of your comfort zone.

Be kind to yourself, you will feel other emotions bubble up as you start to make changes, maybe fear, or frustration or any other of the many emotions. Write about how you are feeling and what you are accomplishing.

Affirmations: There is enough for everyone. I only communicate with love. I create a joyful, peaceful world to live in.

Meditation: Give Yourself Permission to Let Go

Next week we will cover Resentment, Lack of Love, and Rejection/Abandonment and add Tapping as a healing technique.

I still highly recommend writing and reading as you work through these blocks for you.
And you can join us for Soul Creative an intensive healing with creativity course where this is just the tip of the iceberg of our healing.

Please feel free to share in the Facebook group what has come up for you, what you have done to help remove those blocks and what books you have been reading.

Have an Amazingly Creative Day,


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