100 Gratitudes


I just finished putting the finishing touches on my Gratitude Kindle release and launched it this week,  and with everything that is going on it seems more relevant then ever to have gratitude for what we have in our lives.

Gratitude reminds us of what we have which allows us to think more positively. And if you believe in the law of attraction you know that the Universe (God, Spirit) will not give you more of what you 'want' if you are not grateful for what you have. 

This is a relatively simple in concept exercise, but will get you thinking about what you are truly grateful for.
The process is simple; just think of 100 things you are grateful for.

This act will open your mind to the staggering number of things there are to be grateful for in your life.
Don’t stress about finishing this list all in one go. Just get through as much as possible in one sitting and keep coming back to it as you think of more items. 

Print out the worksheet and try it out.

When you reach the bottom of your list. Post it somewhere to remind yourself what positive things you have in your life.
As an added step I suggest you start a gratitude journal and everyday write 5 things you are grateful for. It is surprising the changes you will notice as you focus more on the positive aspects of your life. 

Want more great ideas on how to live with  joy and gratefulness you can get my new book here.

Have an Amazingly Creative Day,



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