Healing with Love: What Can I Do?

November 8-10, 2023 the Healing with Love Summit is sharing conversations that Larissa had with a diverse group of individuals who were open to sharing their differences, and their shared and connected desires. We all want to be loved, and accepted, to be safe, and part of a community and to be able to live our most authentic lives. How we show up in the world is different for everyone, we are all unique. That uniqueness is the beauty in the world.

Access the summit for free November 8-10, 2023 after which the conversations will be moved to YouTube. Or you can purchase lifetime access to the summit which includes the conversations, plus a different healing practice included with each conversation. 25% of the proceeds will be donated to causes that help uplift and empower marginalized communities. Inside we have also included important information and statistics about some of the marginalized communities.

Not interested in how you can help? I leave you with this...

First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller


Ways you can bring light and love in to replace hate and discrimination

These are listed in no particular order, find what feels right for you and start with one step.

Celebrate other cultures

Show your support for diverse ethnic groups in your community by attending, promoting or helping fund events run by local organizations and houses of worship that bring people together: festivals, film series, guest lectures, language classes and celebrations. Bring your children.

Recognize cultural diversity and inclusion by supporting local businesses run by immigrants. Try foods and recipes from a range of culinary traditions. Watch films from other countries with your kids and read them stories that celebrate diversity.

Call out bigotry and hate speech

Do not debate hate group members in conflict-driven forums. Instead, speak up in ways that draw attention away from hate, toward unity.

Stigmatization is cruel and unproductive. There has been a disturbing increase in hate speech among Americans and Europeans in recent years, often blaming immigrant and minority groups for the difficulties of their own countries. If you overhear someone tell a racist joke, speak up and let them know stereotyping isn't harmless. Let your children know they should feel free do the same. There's nothing funny about using "humor" to normalize dangerous ideas and perpetuate ugly stereotypes.

Do something. In the face of hatred, apathy will be interpreted as acceptance by the perpetrators, the public and — worse — the victims. Community members must take action; if we don’t, hate persists.

If you see something in news reports or on social media that reflects prejudice, write a letter to the editor or leave a comment to let others know that intolerant remarks are unkind and uncalled for.

Create an Alternative

Do not attend a hate rally.

Every act of hatred should be met with an act of love and unity.
Find another outlet for anger and frustration and for people’s desire to do something. Hold a unity rally or parade to draw media attention away from hate.

Be a part of the Community 

Sign a petition. Attend a vigil. Lead a prayer. 

Pick up the phone. Call friends and colleagues. Host a neighborhood or community meeting. Speak up in church. Suggest some action.

Repair acts of hate-fueled vandalism, as a neighborhood or a community.

Use whatever skills and means you have. Offer your print shop to make fliers. Share your musical talents at a rally. Give your employees the afternoon off to attend.

Pressure Leaders

Elected officials and other community leaders can be important allies.
But some must overcome reluctance — and others, their own biases — before they’re able to take a stand.

The fight against hate needs community leaders willing to take an active role. The support of mayors, police chiefs, college presidents, school principals, local clergy, business leaders, and others can help your community address the root causes of hate and help turn bias incidents into experiences from which your community can learn and heal.

Support the Victims

Hate crime victims are especially vulnerable.
If you’re a victim, report every incident — in detail — and ask for help. If you learn about a hate crime victim in your community, show support. Let victims know you care. Surround them with comfort and protection.

Report incidents, speak to the press, research your legal rights.

Teach children kindness and how to talk about differences

Prejudice and hate are not innate. They are learned behaviors — and they can be unlearned. Children absorb biases from the adults around them, and from the media, books and their peers. So set a good example. The process of countering negatives with positives begins at an early age. Talking about differences does not increase prejudice in children.

Act in solidarity — and intervene if it's safe to do so

When the public stands in solidarity with immigrants and marginalized groups, bullies lose their power. If you see someone being harassed or physically attacked, it is important to help if you can do so safely. Make your presence as a witness known. Make eye contact with the person being attacked and ask if they want support. Don't escalate the situation. Verbal and physical abuse is wrong and should not be tolerated.

Support human rights organizations

Organizations like UNICEF have highlighted and advocated tirelessly for children's rights around the globe and knowthat children need to be seen as children, first and foremost. It's more important than ever that we all remain in solidarity with one another. Human rights are a collective promise made by all countries of the world, including those in distress. Children from all ethnic backgrounds — especially children who have been uprooted by violence, war and poverty — need our support, wherever they are. Every child deserves to be treated with humanity, and to grow up in a safe and healthy environment.

Educate Yourself

An informed campaign improves its effectiveness. Determine if a hate group is involved, and research its symbols and agenda. Understand the difference between a hate crime and a bias incident.

Eruptions of hate generally produce one of two reactions: apathy (“It’s just an isolated act by some kooks”) or fear (“The world is out of control”). Before reacting, communities need accurate information about those who are spouting hate.

Dig Deeper

Commit to disrupting hate and intolerance at home, at school, in the workplace, and in faith communities. Acceptance, fundamentally, is a personal decision. It comes from an attitude that is learnable and embraceable: a belief that every voice matters, that all people are valuable, that no one is “less than.”

We all grow up with prejudices. Acknowledging them — and working through them — can be a scary and difficult process. It’s also one of the most important steps toward breaking down the walls of silence that allow intolerance to grow. Luckily, we all possess the power to overcome our ignorance and fear, and to influence our children, peers, and communities.

Move from Prayers to Action


We will continue these conversations and if you think you have a story to share or know someone who does please contact us at [email protected]  

Information for this page was collected from these sites.

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