Are you ready to take a step into your inner knowing, into your own divine energy?

Are you ready for change? Are you tired of doing the same old thing, of getting caught in the same patterns over and over again? Are you ready to step into your own divine energy and step away from what holds you back?

I'm Ready for Change!

Each chakra imbalance affects different parts of your physical body, as well as the emotional, mental, and spiritual state of your being

Chakras are energy centers in our body

When they are out of balance you will feel out of balance. Something may feel "off", you will get sick, and even repeatedly sick, you make mistakes, and everything may seem like it's falling apart. These general imbalances manifest as specific physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalances in your chakras.

Learning about your chakra energy

Balancing that energy and then using that same energy to intuitively tap into what you need. Through intuitive painting and learning to pay attention to what your chakras are telling you.

Explore the energy of your chakras and learn to use that energy to intuitively express yourself and heal.


In this program, we will explore the Chakras, what they are, and how they affect you and your energy. We will create a chakra journal and use creativity to explore the chakra energies.

Common warning signs of chakra imbalances


  • Pain, stress, and health issues
  • Betrayal or fear of betrayal
  • Inability to express emotion or desire
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Fear of rejection, being rejected
  • An unrelenting inner critic
  • Fear of being alone, or struggling to find someone
  • Issues expressing yourself
  • Fear of being out of control, or being out of control (acting impulsively)
  • Moodiness or stubbornness
  • Rigid thoughts
  • Fear of alienation
  • or any other imbalance?
I have some of these symptoms

Take back your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health

Learn more about what it means to have imbalances in your chakras

Learn how to balance your chakras

Tap into your own body/mind energy

Practice creating intuitively from each chakra

Find your inner voice and learn to use it

"I was stunned at how much I healed. I couldn't believe when the extreme pain my doctor couldn't get rid of, which had caused me to leave my job, it just disappeared after painting one of my chakra paintings."

"I couldn't believe what came through in my paintings, I had no idea you could get needed messages that way."

"Larissa is so patient, she just directs you toward things you may not have noticed. No shaming or blaming, just opens up doors for you."

What can happen as you Explore Your Chakras

Gain more personal insight

Delve into what is holding you back and getting in your way, and then clear it out of your way

Find more peace, happiness, and transformation

Create intuitivily and journal with your higher self


I'm ready to join

Work at your own pace


Join us for our LAST live Chakra Progam

Learn about the chakras, how they move energy in your body, how they get blocked, and what you can do to open up your chakras.

Explore your chakras through intuitive creation. Learn to let go and create from your chakra energy

Our Last Live Session is July 10-October 30, 2024

Registration open until July 16, 2024

Live Sessions

  • Wednesdays at  3 pm MDT / 5 pm EDT 2024
  • July 10, 17, 24 & 31
  • August 7, 14, 21 & 28
  • September 4, 11, 18 & 25
  • October 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30



Learn how to create and use your very own chakra pendulum 


Learn how to create a chakra bracelet and infuse it with intention

Say Yes to a Healthier Happier You

Start today

Yes, I want in

Join Today for Immediate Access

Self Paced


One time charge

  • 8 Modules
  • Immediate Access
  • Videos
  • Workbooks
  • Transformation
  • Create 8 different Intuitive Chakra Paintings
  • Lifetime Access
  • Community
  • + Bonus pendulum and bracelet workshops





I am excited to get started

Program with Coaching


Create a Chakra Journal

  • 8 modules 
  • Immediate Access
  • Videos
  • Workbooks
  • Transformation
  • Create a Chakra Journal and 8 Intuitive Chakra Paintings
  • Lifetime Access
  • Community
  • + Bonus pendulum and bracelet workshops
  • 17 Live Calls over 4 months
  • Recordings of Live calls 

This is the last time we are offering the live sessions.

I can't wait!