Episode 141 featuring Jacob Nordby: Recognizing your Creative Expression

Season #5

Jacob and I talked about creativity, vulnerability, healing, and coping with resistance in a polarized world.

 Jacob Nordby is a celebrated author, speaker, and visionary artist who ignites the creative potential within individuals. He describes himself as a fascinated human who believes in love, laughter, and the restoration of joy. Known for his bestselling books such as "The Divine Arsonist: A Tale of Awakening" and "Blessed Are the Weird: A Manifesto for Creatives," Jacob has touched the lives of many with his empowering words. In his latest book The Creative Cure, Jacob seeks to expand the meaning of creativity as he is convinced that everyone is creative, and that this energy is meant to fill every part of life with aliveness. Having collaborated with esteemed figures such as Anne Lamott, Julia Cameron, SARK, and many others, he brings a wealth of expertise to the table.

You can find Jacob Nordby here:




A video version of this podcast is available here: https://youtu.be/KaRw1jHQLHo


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