Holiday Gifts for You and Your Loved Ones

Looking for the Perfect Gift?

Maybe your even looking for some great ideas for yourself. You could even leave some hints for your Santa, and maybe some will end up in your stocking. 

I always find it so difficult to come up with new and exciting ideas for holiday gift-giving. So this year I reached out to some friends to see what they were asking for and here are some of the ideas they came up with, plus a few of the things I have loved this year. Creativity is the theme throughout. Create, Express, Learn and Enjoy.

Gifts for Her (or You)

Art Snacks Subscription Box is an art supply subscription box loved by thousands of artists, curated to inspire you to create every month. And they now have a watercolor box and an art journal box. Gift one, or a whole year. I loved mine, it is so fun to receive new items to play with.

There are some other amazing art subscription boxes I have tried Sketch Box and a fun one out of Europe (thank you Iris for that...

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Tips for coping with Stress and Depression during the Holidays

Stress and depression can ruin your holidays and hurt your health. Being realistic, planning ahead and seeking support can help ward off stress and depression.

The holiday season in a typical year can bring dizzying demands with gifts, family, friends, events and more. Compound that with the cost and any year can be too much. This year we have the added stressor of Covid that keeps us away from those we love and maybe we have lost a loved one. The holidays are a tough time for many and this year may be even worse.

So, what are some things we can do to help minimize the stress and depression this year? (These tips brought to you by the Mayo clinic)

1. Acknowledge your feelings. If someone close to you has recently died or you can't be with loved ones for other reasons, realize that it's normal to feel sadness and grief. It's OK to take time to cry or express your feelings. You can't force yourself to be happy just because it's the holiday season.

2. Reach out. If you feel lonely or...

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Keeping a joyful attitude when holiday times get stressful

Staying joyful is important when things get stressful or difficult. Busy holidays can increase stress. But, life can be filled with positive energy and happiness. Remain in joy regardless of what the holiday circumstances bring you. Each holiday is a unique opportunity to do something that brings you more joy.

As holidays get closer, find ways to stay calm. Let peace radiate out to others. Let them see the peace you have, and they will feel better about the holidays too. You can help a lot of people just by staying happy and positive during stressful holiday times. Know the holidays are what you make of them. Choose to make them joyful and fun. 

Turn the stress of your life into a positive energy by focusing on solutions. Holidays are wonderful times to enjoy family and friends. Enjoy finding the beauty of the holidays. See that beauty and focus on it to help keep your stress levels low. Low stress means high happiness. 

Stay in joy this holiday season by walking in...

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Enjoy the Holidays Without the Stress

The holidays are an interesting time. It can be a time of joy, excitement, and anticipation. It can also be stressful. 

Add to that the fact that you still resent what Uncle Bill did last Christmas, and the possibility that your cousin might have Covid-19, and the holidays just got even more stressful. 

Holidays can also be expensive! The cost of gifts, travel, and extra food can really add up in a hurry. 

Keep these tips in mind to help reduce holiday stress: 

1. Take time for family and friends. This may look very different this year, maybe it is zoom calls or phone calls. Maybe it is sending a letter or card. Keeping others in mind can help us as well.

2. Get some sun. The days are shorter in the northern hemisphere during the winter months. Many people are sensitive to not getting enough sunlight. Sit by a window with good sun exposure and get all the sunlight you can for an hour each day. You’ll feel less stressed. Use the time to read a book or make...

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It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

I love this time of year. No matter what holiday you celebrate you have to admit it is a magical time. The majority of people are being nice to one another, even though people seem rushed they still try to take time to acknowledge and give to others.

It is a wonderful thing to see. But, what I have always wondered is why people save up their kindness for 1 month out of the year. Why can't we be in that giving spirit year round? Why can't we be kind to each other all the time? Why do we need the sparkling lights and holiday music to remind us to love one another?

I don't know the answer to that. I've been trying to figure it out for years. Share your thoughts.

But  this time of year can also be a tough time for some. Depression increases, suicide rates soar and every December there seems to be at least one parent in our city that takes out themselves and their kids, which is a huge eye opener for all...  for a few seconds. What is it about this time of year that brings such...

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