Show Yourself Some Love

Valentine's day was yesterday and for many people this day is emotionally charged. Maybe you are single, widowed, divorced, or maybe in a relationship that is unfulfilling. There are so many reasons for Valentines day to be emotionally charged. There are a lot of expectations around Valentines day.

So, if you spent yesterday feeling unloved. Know that the only person that matters is you. Self love is the most important. Be kind to yourself, allow yourself to feel your feelings, but also know that ultimately you are the only one who can make you happy.

How can you be happy if you don’t love yourself? Having a high degree of self-love makes it easier to take good care of yourself. If you love and respect yourself, others are more likely to respect you, too. When you love yourself, you’re more gentle, kind, and considerate with yourself.

Life can be hard. It’s even harder when you’re hard on yourself. Ideally, you are your biggest fan in life.

Use these ideas to...

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10 Ways to Enhance Self-Love

Loving yourself might sound a little odd, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t critical. The more you love yourself, the better you’ll take care of yourself. That impacts your health, longevity, self-esteem, self-confidence, and success.

When you love yourself, you make yourself a priority. You deserve nothing less.

Try these tips and discover greater self-love:

  1. Remember your victories. View yourself in a positive light more often. One of the easiest ways to do this is to remember your triumphs. Maybe you hit a home run and won the game in 5th grade. Remember your high school graduation day. Think about that time you received a promotion.Most people spend plenty of time remembering their failures. Try doing the opposite for a month and see what happens!
  2. Volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to boost your self-esteem. It’s easier to love yourself when you see yourself as a good person. Put your attention on someone else. You’ll enjoy the mental break, and...
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