10 Tips to Tap into Your Inner Peace

The thought of trying to find peace in a chaotic world can seem overwhelming. And yet, it is one of the most important things for our health. When our bodies are in a constant place of stress, we have more illness, panic attacks, bouts of depression and anxiety. We are constantly feeling overwhelmed and unable to do anything at all. Incorporating just a few Inner peace practices can make a huge difference.

Below you will find 10 tips. Do not feel like you have to do all of them right away. Start with one, then next week 2, keep adding until you spend more time at peace then not. Not every day will be perfect and life will still throw you curve balls, but when we can learn to breathe through them or not take them on as a personal affront it allows us to distance ourselves from the chaos and move into a calmer place within.

    1. Take a minimum of 5-10 mins to start your morning peacefully. Using one or more of these practices
      1. Meditate
      2. Journal
      3. Do a deep breathing exercise
      4. Remind yourself...
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