Do You Have the Courage to be Vulnerable?

Many of us were taught to be strong and to keep our problems to ourselves. We were taught that the world is a hostile place and we should practice “survival of the fittest.” It’s not easy to allow the world to know your flaws, weaknesses, and failures.

We’re ashamed that we’re not perfect, but make every effort to convince others that we are. 

Vulnerability doesn’t come easy, but it provides tremendous freedom and many other benefits. If you can be vulnerable, it means that you accept yourself and don’t feel the need to hide yourself from everyone else. 

Use these ideas to practice self-acceptance through vulnerability:

  1. Realize that fear is the primary obstacle. The fear of rejection and ridicule are the main culprits. You might also feel that you lack privacy if you let the world see you for who you really are. The fear of rejection is a common human phenomenon.
  2. Think about the times you’re least likely to be vulnerable and...
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