An Effective Action Plan for When You Feel Overwhelmed

You probably can’t find anyone over the age of 10 that hasn’t felt overwhelmed at some point. It takes more to overwhelm some people than others, but the feeling and the impact are the same. 

It can be very challenging to focus on solutions and take the necessary steps to resolve the situation. However, focus and action can ultimately solve most negative situations in your life.

Many of us are prone to worrying and then doing silly things to make ourselves feel better. This doesn’t solve the issue. It just avoids it temporarily. 

Take these steps to create a plan and go from feeling overwhelmed to feeling peaceful again: 

  1. Identify what is under your control. There’s little point to worrying about those things outside your locus of control. Determine what you can control and place your attention there.

  2. Focus on solutions. Now that you know what you can and can’t change, keep your attention on finding a solution. Obsessing over the problem...
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