Are You Giving Away Your Personal Power?

This past week in our Morning Calm Program we were talking about personal power, and I wanted to share some ways that we as women tend to give our power away. As much as it feels good to give, that's never true for your personal power. 


  • Being Passive


The only time it is acceptable to be passive is when you really don’t care. Letting people treat you like a doormat will drain your energy. Have enough personal power to stand up for yourself. Otherwise, people will keep on putting you down. 

Practice saying no to the little things and it will get easier for the big things. Let your voice be heard. This can sometimes feel scary, again try with smaller things, like what you would like to eat for dinner, and work your way up to the larger things.


  • Giving Your Inner Critical Voice Mind Space


Be aware of your consciousness because that's the critic that will drain you the most and keep on taking. If you find this becoming problematic,...

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