Feminine Intuition Challenge

Each day of the 5-Day Feminine Intuition Challenge we ran March 27-31, 2023 

Day 1

Today, we'll explore the basics of intuition and how you can recognize it in your life.

Take a few deep breaths and tune in to your body. Notice any physical sensations you may be experiencing. These sensations can be an indicator of your intuition. Trust your gut feeling, and allow yourself to follow its guidance.

Today's exercise is intuitive journaling. Take a few minutes to sit quietly and center yourself. Write down any questions or concerns that are on your mind. Without thinking too much, write down the first response that comes to mind. This response is likely coming from your intuition, so pay attention to it and trust it.

Day 2

Today, we'll focus on cultivating trust in yourself and your intuition.

Think of a decision you need to make. Take a few deep breaths and tune in to your body. Notice any physical sensations you may be experiencing. Now, ask yourself: "What is my intuition...

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5 Easy Actions That Develop Your Intuition

Intuition is a tool that all of us have. Some people suggest that it’s mystical power. Others would suggest that it’s merely our subconscious trying to tell us something. Regardless of the source, we all have that little voice that tries to tell us things from time to time.

As we get older, we often learn to ignore that little voice. We turn to logic and focus on being practical. But we’ve experienced a lot over the years, and there is some part of our brain that has accumulated a tremendous amount of wisdom. Listening to that little voice can be a good thing. 

Last week we talked about ways to determine if we are acting from a place of intuition or insecurity. So how can we develop our Intuition more to be able to step away from those insecurities?

Try these techniques to develop your intuition:

1, Meditate for a few minutes each day. One characteristic of intuition is that it has a soft voice most of the time. It can be challenging to notice it if our minds...

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How to Differentiate Between Intuition and Insecurity for the Best Decisions

Life-changing decisions can be so intimidating. You spend days and even weeks juggling between the options in front of you. All you really want to do is make the best decision, but it's stressing you out. Your gut instinct tells you to go one way, but you still hesitate.

Indecisiveness can make some situations more difficult than they actually need to be. But what's causing your indecisiveness?

You're probably allowing insecurity to cloud your judgment and cause you to second-guess your intuition. Don't worry - it happens to everyone.

Here's how you know intuition is guiding you in the right direction: 

  1.     It's constantly on your mind. Your intuition pushes you to constantly think about the impact of a decision. It's difficult to get the thoughts off your mind when deep down you know the right thing to do.
    •  Avoid underestimating the power of your intuition!
  1.     You feel sad when you go against your intuition. You usually feel relieved when you...
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