Why We Need Routine Right Now

anxiety routine steps Apr 22, 2020

Right now our daily routines have been thrown off. Whether you are working now or not, our lives are not the same as they were a month ago. Every single person on the planet has been affected in some way. 2020 will be a year we all remember.

One thing that is really important when our world has been turned upside down is to build routine into our daily lives. Look after ourselves, and be kind to ourselves. Routine is so important. As Will Durant writes in The Story of Philosophy: “We are what we repeatedly do.”

According to research, up to 40% of our daily actions are powered by habits—the unconscious actions and routines we’ve developed over time. But, what happens when our routine and habits get turned around? We panic, we slip into depression, our anxiety goes up, we feel exhausted and unsettled. Our lives may not feel they are our own and we have no idea what is coming next. We may lash out, either at others or ourselves. We may retreat within and not...

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8 Ways To Take Advantage Of Your Fears

If you’re not afraid, you’re not human. Everyone is afraid of something. Fears tend to evolve and change over time. A newborn is afraid of loud noises. A young child might be afraid of the dark. A middle-aged man is afraid of embarrassing himself during a speech.  Our fears are learned. What have you learned to be afraid of?
Turn the tables and use fear to your advantage:
1. Determine why you’re afraid. If you’re afraid of falling off a cliff and dying, your fear might be warranted, and further evaluation is required. If it’s just your ego talking, you know that the fear isn’t in your best interest. That’s the fear that keeps you in your current situation. 

2. Reframe the situation. The fact that you’re physically uncomfortable doesn’t have to control your thoughts or actions. When you’re feeling anxious, take that as a sign that something great might be getting...

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Authenticity, what does that even mean?

We are often told to be our authentic self, but when we twist and contort ourselves to fit into the world do we even know who we are at the core?

I thought this (Above pic) was the perfect graphic for this post as it has a huge list of potential possibilities.

  • completely enough
  • being here now
  • my heart's desire
  • not an object
  • inherently valuable
  • and so many more

Maybe these speak to you and maybe you have others for yourself.

To me, being authentic is stepping into our own happiness, having self value and presenting our happiest self to the world and not giving a sh*t if others don't like it.

Maybe it's taking a course you always wanted but were afraid others would think it was ridiculous. Or quitting your job and following your passion.  It's about following your own rules and being OK with that.

It can be a really hard thing to do as we are so conditioned in our society to be, do, behave, like the "norm", which in our society is extremely...

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100 Gratitudes


I just finished putting the finishing touches on my Gratitude Kindle release and launched it this week,  and with everything that is going on it seems more relevant then ever to have gratitude for what we have in our lives.

Gratitude reminds us of what we have which allows us to think more positively. And if you believe in the law of attraction you know that the Universe (God, Spirit) will not give you more of what you 'want' if you are not grateful for what you have. 

This is a relatively simple in concept exercise, but will get you thinking about what you are truly grateful for.
The process is simple; just think of 100 things you are grateful for.

This act will open your mind to the staggering number of things there are to be grateful for in your life.
Don’t stress about finishing this list all in one go. Just get through as much as possible in one sitting and keep coming back to it as you think of more items. 

Print out the worksheet and try it...

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A Happier You In 5 Minutes A Day

So, this just happened. I released what was supposed to be one little Kindle book but then thought..."what the heck" let's make it into a little notebook as well. This tiny 4 x 7, 60 pages, slip in your purse or pocket is a quick recap on what we need in our lives to be happier. How we are responsible for our own thoughts and feelings. Plus what we can do more of each day to feel happier.

Over the next few months, I have a few different Kindle books that I will be releasing and will probably turn into these cute little 'pocket' books.

So, what does it take to be happier in 5 minutes a day?
Well, I don't want to give away all the secrets, but ultimately it comes down to mindset. What we decide to focus on is what we receive more of.

If we focus our energy on being miserable we will get more misery, but if we focus our intention of happiness, we will get more happiness in our lives.

So pick up this cute little quick read or download it to your Kindle app.

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4 Tips For Training Your Brain To Act With Kindness

Being kinder is not about making sacrifices or denying your own needs. Treating people kindly is not an imposition or another task on your checklist.
It’s the outward manifestation of living positively. Kindness is all about mindset, and you can train your brain to make kindness almost automatic. Ever notice that being kind to someone makes you feel good too? It’s because altruism promotes a chemical reaction in your brain, releasing serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine. These chemicals not only make you feel good but also work to reinforce positive social behavior. By laying down new neural pathways, you set yourself up for living a positive, kinder life.
Here are some scientifically proven tips for engineering kindness into your brain.
1. Choose to be kind
In choosing to be kind, you are consciously resetting your mindset to treat people with compassion and empathy. Notice the effect of your kindness on others. When you smile, people’s natural reaction...

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What does Creativity mean?

To most Creativity is the creation of a masterpiece or writing a novel, maybe playing in a symphony. But really, creativity is in everything we do. From cooking to gardening, starting a business to creating a spreadsheet. Creativity is at the base of all new inventions. 

When we open ourselves up to creativity it fills in all areas of our lives. It makes our lives juicier, funner, more experiential. Increasing our creativity makes life worth living.

What are some ways you can increase your creativity?
10 quick and easy ways
1. Journaling: start with one page a day and grow forward
2. Gratitude: write down 5 things your grateful for every day
3. Color: markers, crayons, pencil crayons, it doesn't matter
4. Garden: plant something or even just buy a new pot
5. Cooking: shake it up and change the recipe, or maybe even cook without one
6. Read a book: instead of watching TV
7. Create a spreadsheet: for your budget, get fancy and use color
8. Pick up a rattle or...

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You Won'T Want To Miss This!!!

Creative U (that's us!) is hosting this amazing FREE summit starting February 2nd. But you can register now so you don't miss out.

28 Presenters sharing 28 amazing courses on healing with creativity.

We've got Artists, Art Therapist, Healers, Musicians, Coaches and so much more for you. 

The summit is Free, you get access to each presenter for 3 days. We have 2-3 presenters a day.
But, the Early Bird Special is $47 USD and you get unlimited access and ... you get all in access on February 2nd, no waiting for each day to release another amazing course for you.


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Creativity Journals

So this year so far has been all about journaling for me. 

I am an avid journaler and believe that there is no wrong way to journal. I teach many different types of journaling and I usually subscribe to the Julia Cameron Morning Pages style of journaling for myself. 3 pages of longhand, brain dumping, writing first thing in the morning. But, I also wanted to track some of my morning habits like drinking enough water, getting up at a regular hour, and how much meditation I was doing. So I created a journal for myself.

A few friends who looked at it were of one of two camps, they either loved it and wanted one or they thought it was overwhelming and didn't know where to start.

So for the first group I thought why not publish it for everyone who wants it, and for the second I created another, simpler to use journal. 

Both are now available on Amazon.

How Do I Have an Amazingly Creative Day? is for beginners to journaling, there is only one page of journaling...
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The Benefits Of A Gratitude Journal

It might seem unreal that writing in a journal could be so beneficial. But the scientific evidence is in, and gratitude journals do benefit you in big ways if you keep one for the long term and use it daily. 

Experience Stronger and More Fulfilling Relationships
It’s so simple, but it can be hard to accept. You are the one who makes yourself happy with your own choices. Another person cannot make you happy or grateful. Only you can do that. But something amazing happens when you express gratitude often – your relationships simply open up and become better. Those that don’t, you start to recognize for what they are and let them go.

Become Physically Healthier 
Being grateful for the ability to move and breathe will eventually cross over into wanting to ensure that you can always do that. Therefore, you’ll be more motivated to go on walks, eat right, stay hydrated, and live in gratitude for every aspect of your life.

Increase Your Mental Dexterity 

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