Feminine Intuition Challenge

Each day of the 5-Day Feminine Intuition Challenge we ran March 27-31, 2023 

Day 1

Today, we'll explore the basics of intuition and how you can recognize it in your life.

Take a few deep breaths and tune in to your body. Notice any physical sensations you may be experiencing. These sensations can be an indicator of your intuition. Trust your gut feeling, and allow yourself to follow its guidance.

Today's exercise is intuitive journaling. Take a few minutes to sit quietly and center yourself. Write down any questions or concerns that are on your mind. Without thinking too much, write down the first response that comes to mind. This response is likely coming from your intuition, so pay attention to it and trust it.

Day 2

Today, we'll focus on cultivating trust in yourself and your intuition.

Think of a decision you need to make. Take a few deep breaths and tune in to your body. Notice any physical sensations you may be experiencing. Now, ask yourself: "What is my intuition...

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Why Productivity in Art is Overrated

Over the past few years as I’ve been doing more and more art, I have kept hearing comments like “You should start trying to sell that”, “if you finished enough pieces you could exhibit”, and similar comments that all seem tied to the idea that I should become some sort of art machine or production line. I have visions of the person talking to me assuming that I am in a little workshop somewhere churning out copies of Van Gogh’s Starry Night for pennies on the pound.

Recently I have been listening to an audiobook written by Nick Hornby called Dickens and Prince: A Particular Kind of Genius. In this short tome (which I highly recommend, Mr. Hornby is a fine writer and observer of the British character, and no, I’m not paid to write this recommendation) the author makes the following points

Dickens' first long novel is The Pickwick Papers, before he finishes publishing it, he starts publishing Oliver Twist, and before he finishes publishing...

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Mindful Mandala Art

Over the years, I have created more than 1000 mandalas. Each mandala is an exquisite sanctuary that holds the transformative power of creativity and soothing meditation. This mindful practice anchors me into the present moment where I find peace and balance.  

This sacred circle has aided my ability to focus and concentrate.  I feel balanced and at rest.  Mandalas are an exercise in connecting with my deeper self.  They have aided me in opening up to new ideas and explorations.  Allowing each mark to work its magic aids me in practicing self-tenderness and compassion.  Recognizing my unlimited soul as a perfect place for rest.  This place where I am always enough.

Carl Jung calls the circle the archetype of wholeness.  Wholeness means complete and lacking nothing.  Harmony and unity, infinite, and eternity are notions also connected to the circle.  It makes sense that so many wisdom traditions make use of a circle  The...

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Self-Love: The Ultimate Gift this Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is typically a day dedicated to celebrating love and affection between intimate partners, but it's important not to forget about the most important love of all - self-love. In today's fast-paced and demanding world, it can be easy to neglect our own needs and desires, but taking time to prioritize self-care and self-love is essential for our overall well-being.

Self-love refers to a positive and caring attitude towards oneself, recognizing and accepting one's own worth and value. It involves treating oneself with kindness, compassion, and respect, and it is the foundation of a healthy and fulfilling life. When we love ourselves, we are more confident, resilient, and able to handle life's challenges.

Here are some ways to cultivate self-love and celebrate yourself this Valentine's Day:

  1. Practice self-care. Self-care is an essential component of self-love, and it involves taking time to care for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This can include...

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Use Creativity to Embrace Change and Live Your Best Life

Change can be hard, but it can also be a wonderful opportunity to discover and showcase your creativity. Whether it’s a change in your job, home, or lifestyle, creativity can help you make the most of the situation and live your best life.

Using your creativity is also a great way to relax at the end of a difficult day. Activities such as painting, crafting, music, and writing can help take your mind off of the stress and onto something more positive. Plus, it’s a great way to express yourself without saying a word.

Creativity is not just about producing works of art. It can also be used in everyday life to problem solve and make decisions. Thinking outside the box and considering different perspectives can help you come up with unique solutions to problems that may have been difficult to solve before.

Let’s explore some easy ways to use creativity to embrace change.

1. Think Outside the Box

The best way to use creativity to embrace change is to think outside the...

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Resolutions or Intentions?

The Oxford dictionary defines:




  1. a firm decision to do or not to do something.
    "she kept her resolution not to see Anne anymore"




  1. a thing intended; an aim or plan.
    "she was full of good intentions"


Every year at this time we hear about resolutions and people ask what are resolutions are for the next year, and each year millions of people set resolutions, and typically by the end of January, they are forgotten. The gym is always busiest in January, the diet industry makes billions in January, and we vow to declutter, lose weight, get healthy, and more. But, it just doesn’t work.


Well first of all this is the season of rest, this is the time we should be hibernating, rebuilding our immune system, and rejuvenating our bodies with meditation, sleep, so much sleep, and time to reflect, and contemplate. It is not the time to set big goals and jump in with both feet and...

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Our Unconscious Biases and How We Affect Change

 I was having a great conversation with one of our presenters before a summit interview, this happens often and is one of my favorite things about hosting summits. The connections you make that can then turn into friendships. I don’t think it is necessary to say who it was, but I will mention it was a woman of color, as that plays into the story I am sharing.

Often with healing work, we have to look at our own unconscious biases and one thing I have been working on specifically is anti-racism, and how as a person of privilege I have played a part in the racism in my country, and the world, albeit, unknowingly at first, but now I also have to look at where I continue it.

And... as I look deeper into balancing the masculine and feminine energies within myself, I also need to look at where I have been condoning or playing a part in the patriarchy and the abuse of women.

Thinking you are anti-racist, or a feminist comes with doing the work to uncover where it may not be true....

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Holiday Gifts for You and Your Loved Ones

Looking for the Perfect Gift?

Maybe your even looking for some great ideas for yourself. You could even leave some hints for your Santa, and maybe some will end up in your stocking. 

I always find it so difficult to come up with new and exciting ideas for holiday gift-giving. So this year I reached out to some friends to see what they were asking for and here are some of the ideas they came up with, plus a few of the things I have loved this year. Creativity is the theme throughout. Create, Express, Learn and Enjoy.

Gifts for Her (or You)

Art Snacks Subscription Box is an art supply subscription box loved by thousands of artists, curated to inspire you to create every month. And they now have a watercolor box and an art journal box. Gift one, or a whole year. I loved mine, it is so fun to receive new items to play with.

There are some other amazing art subscription boxes I have tried Sketch Box and a fun one out of Europe (thank you Iris for that...

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Pouring Your Heart Out, Finding Your Ikigai

I just want to share a little about this past week and how I have been feeling.

I am not usually one to open up about how I am "feeling", I give space to others to share their feelings, and I may share the occasional thing I am struggling with, like my health, but I don't typically share my feelings.

I don't know if it is because I am feeling bone-weary tired (low iron again), if it is because I am speaking to Spirit on a regular basis, or if it is because I feel more comfortable in what I do. Or maybe it is a combination of all of that, and more. But, I do know I am feeling the need to share how I am feeling. 

This past week we released Transcendence: Art & Spirituality Summit, I could feel all the passion of this summit. I was so excited about it. It turned out amazing. Now, don't get me wrong, I have loved all my summits for different reasons, but this one really felt like 'home' to me.

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your 'reason for being.' 'Iki' in Japanese...
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Blessed Ostara

Ever since my good friend passed last year, I have been really called back to Spirit. She was a Shamanic practitioner and mentor to me. I studied under her for many years and then moved away to look into other things. I studied, Chakras, Energy movement in the body, Reiki, and more. And then I moved completely away from Spirit and was really living in the uncomfortable material/heavily burdened world of the exterior. And, through that time away from Spirit, I suffered a near-fatal bought of depression that brought me back to my healing work and my creativity. But, still kept Spirit at a bit of a distance.

Even knowing that Spirit is an integral part of who we are and how we move in the world. I am not sure why I did it. Maybe it was a way to sabotage myself yet again. Since Kriket passed last year I have started my quest and return again. A quest to know more about me, about how things work in the world, about energies, and how I play a part in all of it. It is really an internal...

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