Embracing Change: The Transformative Power of Shifts and Transitions

Change is an inevitable part of life, often acting as the catalyst for profound personal growth and renewal. Whether we face small adjustments or significant life transitions, the way we navigate these changes can significantly impact our journey towards self-discovery and fulfillment. As we explore the dynamics of these shifts, we recognize that embracing change is not merely about adjusting to new circumstances but about transforming from within.

Change often arrives unannounced, shaking the very foundations of our comfort zones. It compels us to re-evaluate our paths and can sometimes feel like a forceful nudge towards the unknown. However, within this disruption lies the potential for remarkable growth. Change challenges us to expand our horizons, to let go of outdated beliefs, and to embrace new possibilities. It is a powerful force that, when harnessed, can lead us to uncover strengths we never knew we had and to forge paths we might never have dared to explore.


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Journey Through Healing: My Reflections on Caroline Myss' "Why People Don't Heal"

I recently immersed myself in Caroline Myss’ insightful episode, "Why People Don't Heal," from her Sacred Power series. It was an eye-opening experience that deeply resonated with me, and I feel compelled to share my reflections, hoping they might touch your lives as they did mine.

The Profound Impact of Our Wounds

Caroline Myss, with her profound understanding of the human psyche and spirit, delves into how our wounds, both seen and unseen, shape our lives. Watching this episode made me realize how often we, especially as women, let our wounds define us. It's like wearing an invisible badge that subtly dictates our choices, relationships, and even our dreams. Myss challenges us to look at these wounds not as definitions of who we are but as experiences that have the potential to teach us. This realization was a wake-up call for me to start seeing my wounds in a different light.

The Art of Letting Go

One of the most striking messages from Myss is the power and necessity of...

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Navigating the Intersection of Fear, Faith, and Personal Growth

In an age where fear and uncertainty often dominate the headlines, finding a path to personal growth and spiritual fulfillment can seem daunting. The journey, however, is not about eradicating fear but learning to embrace and navigate through it with faith. This exploration delves into how we can transform fear into a catalyst for growth, the empowering role of faith in our lives, and the impact of media on our mental well-being.

Understanding and Embracing Fear: Fear is a universal experience, an emotion that can either paralyze or propel us forward. The key to leveraging fear lies in understanding it not as an enemy, but as a guide towards deeper self-awareness. The traditional approach of 'feeling the fear and doing it anyway' is evolving. In today's context, a more nuanced approach is needed, one that acknowledges fear and uses it as a stepping stone for growth and service to others. This shift in perspective transforms fear from a debilitating force into a powerful tool for...

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Unlocking Spiritual Enlightenment Through Journaling: A Path to Inner Peace and Self-Discovery

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, where the relentless pace of life can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from our inner selves, finding moments for introspection and self-reflection has become essential for our overall well-being. One timeless practice that offers a unique pathway to this much-needed inner contemplation is journaling. In this article, we will explore the profound world of journaling for spiritual growth, transcending the mere act of diary-keeping, and delving into the depths of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment. Join us on this transformative journey as we uncover the hidden gems of soul journaling.

The Art of Soul Journaling: A Gateway to the Inner Self

Journaling for spiritual growth goes beyond the conventional idea of maintaining a diary. It is a deeply introspective endeavor, a form of reflective writing that bridges the chasm between our everyday experiences and the profound currents of our inner world. Often referred...

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Healing with Love: What Can I Do?

November 8-10, 2023 the Healing with Love Summit is sharing conversations that Larissa had with a diverse group of individuals who were open to sharing their differences, and their shared and connected desires. We all want to be loved, and accepted, to be safe, and part of a community and to be able to live our most authentic lives. How we show up in the world is different for everyone, we are all unique. That uniqueness is the beauty in the world.

Access the summit for free November 8-10, 2023 after which the conversations will be moved to YouTube. Or you can purchase lifetime access to the summit which includes the conversations, plus a different healing practice included with each conversation. 25% of the proceeds will be donated to causes that help uplift and empower marginalized communities. Inside we have also included important information and statistics about some of the marginalized communities.

Not interested in how you can help? I leave you with this...


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Being the Artists of Our Lives

I spoke to Dr. Lynn Carey for a wonderful conversation about creativity and healing, and I am sharing some of the takeaways here with you.

In an era where quick fixes and instant gratification are often the norm, Dr. Carey's approach is a breath of fresh air. She emphasizes that true healing comes from within, by aligning our physical bodies with our emotional and mental states.

This holistic approach to health doesn't just stop at physical ailments; it extends into every aspect of life. From her own experiences, she learned that living in alignment with your passions can be a potent source of happiness and fulfillment. This isn’t just some abstract idea either—it’s backed up by science! Studies have shown that engaging in activities we love boosts our immune system, reduces stress levels, and contributes to overall well-being.

But how does creativity factor into this? Well, according to Dr. Carey, everyone has the potential for creative expression—whether...

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Embracing Connection with Spirit: Navigating Self-Transformation in a Changing World

In the journey of self-discovery and healing, our connection with Spirit plays a vital role in guiding us toward personal growth and transformation. As individuals, we have the power to change ourselves, but we cannot control or change others. It is through inner work and healing that we can alter our energy and navigate the world with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose. However, this path is not without its challenges. As we evolve and grow, we may find that certain people in our lives fall away or respond with resistance. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of this journey, exploring the transformative power of healing work, the importance of responsible communication, and the role of self-reflection in our connection with Spirit.

Embracing Change and Letting Go

As we embark on the path of self-transformation, it's natural for fear and uncertainty to arise. The familiar and comfortable may start to feel stagnant, and we may need to release attachments to...

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The Phoenix Within: Transforming a Life Crisis into a Journey of Self-Discovery

Hey there, fellow wanderers of the wild and unpredictable adulting realm!  Today I’d like to take you on a little journey that explores the untamed wilderness of the proverbial life crisis.

I know, I know, I feel like I can already hear you saying, “Oh no, this sounds like it’ll be really depressing.”  But, stick with me here, because I would like to offer the perspective that going through my own life crisis was actually one of the best things that ever happened to me.  Sure, it can be kind of terrifyingly depressing at first (I’m not one who is going to flat-out lie to you), but I also think that it can end up being a much-needed kick in the pants in life if you open yourself up to receive its bigger message.  Much like anything else, though, it’s all about your perspective and what you choose to do with the experience.  So, I’d like to take this opportunity to share my hot take on it and provide some new, fresh...

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Some of My Favorite Art Supplies

Art supplies can be very personal, and everyone will tell you something different,  but if you don't know where to start, here are a few of my absolute favorites for creating.

Gesso is a must-have for painting and art journaling, the brand I use typically is Liquitex. I buy it in larger containers and add smaller amounts to a jar for ease of access, plus it keeps it cleaner. I think most brands would be fine I just know and love Liquitex.

Matte Medium

I typically use Golden Matte Medium as my all-things collage adhesive, any time you need to stick something down this is perfect. Liquitex also has a great Matte Medium that I occasionally get. Matte is the finish, it also comes in gloss, but that to me is more for a final coat.

Gel Matte Medium is great for sticking things that are a little thicker or are not completely flat. It is also great to add to your paint to make it a bit more heavy bodied so you can add some texture. Again, I use Golden, but I am sure...

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How the CTFAR Method Can Help You Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are thoughts and ideas that hold you back from reaching your goals in life. They can be the invisible walls that prevent you from taking the next big step or even reaching for a goal that seems out of reach. These negative thought patterns can be incredibly difficult to defeat because they are often deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind.

However, the CTFAR method, which stands for Circumstance, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, and Results, is a powerful framework that can help you identify and overcome limiting beliefs. Let's take a closer look at each component of the CTFAR method:

Circumstance: This is the objective situation or event that triggers your thoughts.

Thoughts: These are the interpretations or meanings that you attach to the circumstance. They are often based on our past experiences, beliefs, and values.

Feelings: These are the emotional responses that your thoughts create. They can range from positive emotions, such as happiness and excitement, to...

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